Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Bangladesh Agricultural Farm Labour Federation and National Women Farmers Association Observed the International Migration Day

Immigrant Workers Must Also Get Respect and Security

18 December 2019. Leaders of Bangladesh Agricultural Farm Labour Federation and National Women Farmers and Workers Association demanded respect and security of migrant workers at a rally held at Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) today. They were speaking at an event organized to celebrate International Migrants Day. According to the rally, the day is celebrated all over the world on 18 December each year, according to the UN decision adopted on December 4 of 2000. The purpose of International Migrants Day is to recognize migrant workers for their contribution to the economy of their own country and to the country they are working in and to respect their basic human rights.
Speaking at the rally, Golom Sorowor said that Bangladeshis are sixth in the world in terms of migrant workers working in different countries. According to an estimate of 2019, about 75 lakh Bangladeshi people live in different countries of the world. Most of them have migrated temporarily to the Middle East as workers to earn a living. Someone has immigrated to developed countries like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, in hopes of a better life. In the span of three decades, the number of Bangladeshi migrants has increased by more than 40 percent. Thus, over the years millions of people have migrated to other countries for the sake of livelihood and the longing for good.
Mamun Hasan said Bangladeshis are not only migrants, but foreigners also come to Bangladesh. Large Rohingya people are displaced from Myanmar and are living in Bangladesh as refugees. As of the United Nations, the number of such refugees is now 9 lakh  32 thousand. In the nineties, that number was less than one lakh. Bangladesh is second in South Asia in providing shelter to refugees. Pakistan is at the top. There are about 14 lakh refugees in Pakistan.
Nurjahan Begum said, our migrant workers are not only boosting Bangladesh's economy but also contributing to the economy of the working countries. These countries are developing on the sweat of our people. They have made the lives of people in those countries easier and more comfortable. Without them, all those countries could not move forward. But are these migrants getting any respect at all? Human traders and employers have nothing to do with their destiny without exploitation and oppression. The most abused victims are greedy brokers and illegal immigrants. On the other hand, our women workers are victims of physical and sexual abuse.
The chair of the event, Abdul Mazid, said that  80 percent of Bangladeshi migrant workers are working in the Middle East countries and Malaysia. In those countries, there is not enough system to protect the rights of migrant workers. In most cases, their rights are completely violated or neglected. Despite undermining the rights of immigrants, employers remain outside the reach of the administration of those countries. The people of those countries do not favor any international convention on the rights of immigrants. In addition, the local court supports the people of that country. That is, migrant workers do not get justice. We have to remember that immigrant workers are just like us. They certainly expect respect and security.

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